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Study the Bible in-depth with Multiple Translations on the same screen!

Read multiple translations, versions and languages of the Bible on the same screen for ease cross referencing.

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Rekindle your love for Bible Study with Our Study-Centric App

In-Depth Commentary

Gain deeper insights with access to commentary from scholars and theologians. Understand the context and meaning of scripture.

Personalized Bible Note

Take notes, as you read, whether audio, picture or text notes. Create a personalised study experience with the note taking feature.

Comprehensive Bible Dictionary

Gain deeper insights with access to commentary from scholars and theologians. Understand the context and meaning of scripture.

Effortless Bookmarking

Easily save and organise your favourite verses and passages. Never lose your favourite bible passages again.

Various languages and translations you can pick from

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Join Our Thriving Bible Reading Community and Explore the Richness of Sharing

Are you seeking meaningful connections with fellow believers? Look no further! Our Bible reading community is a welcoming space where you can engage in insightful discussions, share your spiritual insights, and grow in your faith alongside like-minded individuals.